أدب الطفل لبناء الطفل الاسلامي

Children's literature to build the Muslim child
Dr. Lubna Farah
Assistant Professor,
Translation & Interpretation Department


The most important foundation of education is character development, and character education is described as a curriculum specifically developed to teach children about the quality and traits of good character. Children’s literature can be meant in building Islamic character. Discussion focuses on how literature can be brought into the curriculum in helping to develop character traits in a meaningful manner. Children’s literature gradually forms character traits and attitudes that everyone is proud to acknowledge. There is considerable disagreement about what children’s literature is, in particular, “good children’s literature” very little appears to have been written about the problems that can be associated with character-building literature. Children’s literature is also used by health professionals for therapeutic purposes (bibliotherapy) to prevent unhealthy habits and addictions, or address psychosomatic disorders. Finally, storybooks and web-based/digital literature can be an effective vehicle for health content, to encourage the adoption of healthy lifestyles among Muslim children. Children’s literature provides an avenue for students to learn about their cultural heritage and the cultures of other people.

Keywords: Good character, literature, personality building, Islamic thoughts


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