دراسة تحليلية وصفية لمقدمات التفاسير العربية المختارة مفهومها، ونشأتها، وأهميتها، ودراستها

The analytical and descriptive study of the prefaces of the selected Arabic commentaries
1. Dr. Muhammad Umar Farooq
Deaprtment of Quran wa Tafseer
International Islamic University, Islamabad, Pakistan

2. Shakeel Ahmad
Allama Iqbal Open University, Islamabad, Pakistan


Generally, every commentator (Mufasir) of the Noble Qur’an writes a detailed preface for his Tafsir, in which he discusses the issues that are most important to the commentator, and by the study of the preface, a person can understand easily and clearly the commentator’s point of view about sciences of Qur’an (Uloom Ul Qur’an) and principles of interpretation (Usool e Tafsir). There is some important Question about the prefaces, what is meant by the preface of Tafsir? What are the historical categories of these prefaces? What are the qualities and impotence of the prefaces of Tafseer written in Arabic, started From Imam Ibn e Jareer al-Tabari to this modern time?  We tried to provide the answer to the above question in this article.

Key Words: Muqadd”imah, Uloum-ul-Qur’an, Usoul-ut-Tafsir


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