بچوں کی کردار سازی میں ہفتہ روزہ میگزین “بچوں کا اسلام” کا کردار: ایک تحقیقی اور تجزیاتی مطالعہ

The Role of the Weekly Magazine "Bachon ka Islam" in Children's Character Building: An Exploratory and Analytical Study
1. Rafia Sadia,
Visiting Lecturer, Department of Islamic Studies,
Ghazi University, Dera Ghazi Khan, Punjab, Pakistan

2. Rabia Faiz,
Visiting Lecturer, Department of Islamic Studies,
Ghazi University, Dera Ghazi Khan, Punjab, Pakistan


This research article explores and analyzes the role of the weekly magazine “Bachon ka Islam” in fostering children’s character development. The magazine’s content, aimed at young readers, encompasses various aspects of Islamic teachings and values. Through an exploratory and analytical lens, this study investigates the potential impact of “Bachon ka Islam” on shaping the moral and ethical foundations of children. The findings shed light on the magazine’s effectiveness in instilling virtues, promoting empathy, and cultivating a sense of identity rooted in Islamic principles among its readership. The study underscores the significance of such publications in nurturing positive character traits from an early age, thereby contributing to the holistic development of children.

Keywords: Bachon ka Islam, Children Education, Children Development, Islam and Child development, Alf number


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