دور الآداب والقواعد الأخلاقية في تهذيب النفس وتعزيزها: دروس مستفادة من كتاب الأدب- سنن أبي داود

Role of Ethical Norms in Fostering Self-discipline: Insights from Sunan Abi Dawud's Kitab al-Adab


1. Mamoona Anjum Noor
Ph.D Scholar, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur,
Lecturer, Department of Islamic Studies,
The Govt. Sadiq College Women University, Bahawalpur, Punjab, Pakistan

2. Dr. Ghulam Haider
Associate Professor, Department of Islamic Studies,
The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Bahawalpur, Punjab Pakistan


This paper aims to emphasize and shed light on the significance of the role of ethical norms that are related to the self-discipline and self-refining of a Muslim personality in the light of the Ahadith of Prophet Muhammad (SAWS) that Imam Abi Dawood collects in his Sunnan’s kitab al-Adab. Imam Abi Dawood’s kitab al-Adab has a prominent and distinctive place among other muhadithien scholars in this aspect, as his sunnan’s kitab al-Adab has placed great emphasis on the character building of a Muslim, whether it is in his personal life or his communal life. It is a great source of the Prophet’s sayings regarding practical aspects of ethical self-disciplined norms. This article consists of an introduction that will highlight the importance of self-discipline in the life of a Muslim according to Islamic rules mentioned in ahadith and its role in character building. It is later comprised of three sections. The first section explains the literal and textual meanings of the terms (أدب) and (تهذيب النفس). The second section will shed light on the importance of self-discipline for a Muslim and the ways and means of achieving it. The third section will explain what the practical approaches to it are and how a Muslim can implement them in his daily life based on the Prophet’s sayings cited in Kitab al-Adab of Sunan Abi Dawud. In addition, it will discuss different scholars’ points of view and derive shariah principles and rules from them. In the end, the important findings from the research are mentioned in the conclusion.

Keywords: Ethical norms, Self-discipline, Sunan Abi Dawud, Kitab al-Adab, Character building


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