التلميحات القرآنيه في شعر فريد الدين كنج شكرؒ

Quranic Allusions in the Poetry of Fariduddin Ganj Shukar
1. Adnan Shoukat,
Ph.D. Research Scholar, Department of Arabic,
The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Punjab, Pakistan

2. Kaleem Ullah bin Muhammad Jamil,
Ph.D. Research Scholar, Department of Arabic,
The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Punjab, Pakistan


Allusions are used for eloquence in sentences. These allusions are a great way to condense long stories and words. Some eminent scholars of Islam have adopted this method in their books, letters, and poems. In this context, if the poetry of Fariduddin Masood Ganj Shakar, a modern Saraiki Sufi poet of South Punjab, is studied, it is clear that he has used Quranic words, examples, and stories in the form of allusions in his poetry. In this research paper, the allusions of Fariduddin Masood Ganj Shukar related to Quranic Text, Verses, etc. are discussed in detail.

Keywords: Fariduddin Masood Ganj Shakar, Allusion, Quran, Poetry, Sufi Poet


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