حقيقة الاختلاف بين أقوال المفسرين: دراسة تحليلية نقدية للمسائل اللغوية من خلال سورة البقرة

The Fact of Disagreement Between the Sayings of the Commentators: An Analytical and Critical Study of the Linguistic Issues through Sūrat al-Baqarah
1. Dr. Muhammad Umar Farooq
Lecturer, Department of Islamic Thought and Culture
National University of Modern Languages (NUML), Islamabad,

2. Dr. Fazli Dayan
Associate Professor of Law
Faculty of Law, Grand Asian University Sialkot (GAUS)

3. Dr. Mian Muhammad Sheraz
Assistant Professor of Law,
Faculty of Law, Grand Asian University Sialkot (GAUS)


Notably, lexicon knowledge is essential for interpreting the holy Qur’ān. Thus, for this purpose, the Qur’ān exegeses are required to have sufficient noesis of lexical cognition; as an imperative tool for understanding the real meaning(s). Otherwise, the matter may lead to confusion for the interpreters and disarray for the readers. So it is a prerequisite for the interpreters to cognize every aspect of lexical interpretation while parsing the Qur’ānic verses. Nevertheless, keeping in view the different lexical rules, the commentators have stated diverse connotations of the same verse or the particular word of the holy Qur’ān. This kind of deliberation clearly indicates difference of opinion among the commentators in determining the intending and denotation of various words. Therefore, in this article, we have presented the nature of these differences and diverse approaches in the light of Sūrah al-Baqarah.

Keywords: Lexical, Disagreement, Qur’ān exegeses, Sūrah al-Baqarah, Islamic Law


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